
Use Lucidchart to automatically create flowcharts and diagrams.

What You Need to Know

Lucidchart is a visual communication and cross-platform tool that allows users to collaborate on drawing, revising, and sharing charts and diagrams.
Make flowcharts, create diagrams, visualize ideas, and more.
No download needed.

How to Access Lucidchart

  1. Go to One.菠菜网lol正规平台 and search for Lucidchart, if you already have an account.
  2. Students and Faculty: Sign up for a free EDU Lucidchart account.

Additional Resources


On-Demand Webinars

Lucidchart 101: Getting Started with Lucidchart
Webinar: Master the Lucidchart Basics


Lucidchart examples: Most popular, containers, flowcharts, timelines, organizational charts and creative charts
Lucidchart YouTube Channel: Watch quick videos on how to use Lucidchart.