Team Travel
Typically, every person traveling on university business must submit a travel authorization and be approved before incurring expenses. However, some situations allow for one travel authorization to be submitted for an entire group of travelers [e.g. faculty-led programs or field trips with student participants].
We expect that a faculty or staff member will submit the travel authorization and will coordinate expenses for the group and seek reimbursement after the trip. Students should not be paying for reimbursable expenses during team/group travel.
Types of Team Travel
Faculty-Led Programs
Travel arrangements for Faculty-Led Programs [FLPs] are coordinated by the College of Professional and Global Education. Please visit the Study Abroad webpage for more information.
Field Trips/Student Competitions
A field trip might include the gathering of data for research [such as at a geological or archaeological site], museum visit, participation in a conference or competition, or visits to an event or place of interest.
Student Competitions involve students competing for an educational program. Example: debate team, music, or robotics competitions.
Only faculty, staff, volunteer employees, regularly enrolled 菠菜网lol正规平台 students, and students enrolled in the extended education programs carrying academic credit at 菠菜网lol正规平台 are authorized to participate in a field trip. Any other participant must be approved in writing by the College Dean or Associate Dean.
Please see the Risk Management Field Trip Insurance web page for information on required forms and other resources.
Athletics Team Travel
Due to the nature of the Athletics business model, all athletics team trips must adhere to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Travel Guide, CSU Athletic Group Travel Policy, and NCAA guidelines. Athletics staff should be coordinating expenses for their athletics teams.
Recruiting Visits
Prospective students, their parents or guardians, and certain staff are allowed hotel accommodations during the recruitment process. The athletic department may pay for transportation, meals and accommodations of recruits and their parents or guardians. Attendees for covered meals may include staff, volunteers, prospects, current student athletes [one per recruit], and prospect's parents or guardians. All elements of prospective student athlete travel and duration of stay shall be conducted under NCAA guidelines.
International Travel
Athletic staff should familiarize themselves with the high hazard travel policies, when student athletes are traveling internationally.
Additional Considerations
Cash Advances
In some cases, faculty and staff might want to request a cash advance to cover anticipated expenses during an upcoming international trip. Cash advances will not be issued more than 30 days before the date of departure.
Before the Trip
Cash advances are requested in the travel authorization process in FTS under the “Advance Requested” section. Travelers must indicate the requested amount and include documentation and/or quotes supporting the amount. Once the travel authorization is submitted and has gone through the approval process, Payment Services will review the request.
After the Trip
All cash advances must be settled within 60 days and within IRS guidelines. Please consult with the Payment Services Travel Coordinator. Travelers must report cash advances on their travel reimbursement. If a trip is cancelled or postponed any associated advances must be returned immediately.
Transportation and Accommodations
Group/Team travel leads should maintain detailed lists of all travelers/participants for transportation and accommodations. These records should be submitted in the travel reimbursement and serve as supporting documentation in case of audits.
Contract Review
Many accommodations require contracts for group/team travel. Since 菠菜网lol正规平台 employees do not have the authority to approve contracts, they must submit a Requisition in FTS so the contract can be reviewed and approved by Contract Services. Purchase orders may also be submitted for airfare, bus, and train transportation.
Excess Baggage Fees
Excess baggage fees may be paid at the discretion of the responsible 菠菜网lol正规平台 employee. Reimbursement for paid fees may be submitted on the travel expense claim.