Accessible Technology Initiative

The Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) reflects the California State University's (CSU) ongoing commitment to provide access to information resources and technologies to individuals with disabilities.

For Employees with Procurement Responsibilities

Before buying any new information and communication technology products and/or services, check Ways to Pay for proper method to buy products/services for your department.

For Suppliers

Before selling any electronic and information and communication technology products and/or services to 菠菜网lol正规平台, see Special Requirements for information about any ATI policies that apply.

About the ICT Procurement Checklist

  1. What is Information and Communication Technology?
    • The U.S. Access Board defines ICT as any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment that is used in the creation, conversion or duplication of data or information.
  2. Is my purchase request an ICT product/service?
    • Examples of ICT products/services include: 
      • software applications and operating systems
      • web-based intranet information and applications
      • telecommunication products
      • video and multimedia products
      • desktop and portable computers
      • information, documentation and support
  3. Does your purchase requisition relate to ATI?
  4. Do I need to follow the ATI Procurement Process?
  5. If you answered no to #2, please refer to Ways to Pay for a list of methods used to buy goods/services.

Accessibility Laws

Section 508

Section 508 is a federal law that establishes requirements for electronic and information technology developed, maintained or procured to ensure that people with disabilities have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access to and use of the information and data for people without disabilities. For more information, visit Section 508 Standards.

Code 11135

California Government Code 11135 requires all state agencies (including the CSU) to implement Section 508 and to apply the federal accessibility standards to electronic and information technology (E&IT) products and services that we buy, create, use and maintain. For more information, visit California Government Code 11135.

Section 504

Section 504 is about accommodations and addresses specific individual disability needs. Access for the disabled is still a distinct responsibility under 504. Buying accessible products will reduce, but will not alleviate the need for individual accommodation. Individual needs must still be met.

Although Section 508 and 504 have distinct responsibilities, they are linked in their requirements to provide equal access and protect the civil rights of individuals with disabilities. For more information, visit Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

ATI Procurement Criteria

Important ATI Notice

Federal and state law require that 菠菜网lol正规平台 purchase web applications, hardware, software, telecommunications, multimedia and self-contained closed products like copiers, fax machines and kiosks that are accessible to the disabled. See the U.S. General Services Administration page.

High Impact Criteria

Regardless of dollar amount, if your purchase of this product/service will affect multiple end-users, CSU policy requires you to follow the ATI Procurement Process.

ATI Procurement Process

  1. The requesting department is responsible for having their vendor complete the VPAT form, and upload it to the requisition in FTS at the time of requisition creation.  The IT Department is responsible for the review and approval of the VPAT before Strategic Sourcing - Contracts and Procurement Services may proceed with the purchasing process.
  2. Complete the Technology Requisition Impact Assessment (TRIA) form.
  3. Submit a Requisition.
  4. Include the following information in the requisition:
    • Product description
    • Type of product (example:  software application, telecommunication, desktop/laptop, or video/multimedia)
    • Where will product be used (such as in a classroom, conference room, or cubicle)
    • Who will be using the product  (i.e., students and staff/faculty)
    • Estimated cost
  5. For additional information, see CSU Accessible Technology Initiative.