Current Students: Advising and Forms

The Graduate Program Director serves as the academic advisor for all M.A. students. Students can meet with the Graduate Program Director to discuss interests, coursework, and how to select a culminating experience. The Graduate Program Director can also offer guidance about finding a thesis or project advisor. The Graduate Program Director for Spring 2025 is Dr. Deanna Fassett,

Should you elect to write a thesis or project after completing the comprehensive exams, the Graduate Program Director will help you identify a member of the Communication Studies graduate faculty to serve as your mentor.  


菠菜网lol正规平台 uses the learning management system Canvas for most courses. The M.A. Canvas shell includes important deadlines, program information, recordings, info session PowerPoints, and other student resources. All admitted COMM graduate students should have access via their Canvas portal. If you follow the below instructions and do not see the Canvas shell listed, please contact


Some commonly used forms are linked below; these are also available on the M.A. Canvas shell.