
Your tax-deductible gift to the Department of Communication Studies helps ensure that that our students receive the highest quality education possible, one that prepares them for challenges of today's world.

Important: In order to ensure that your generous donation is directed to the Department of Communication Studies, please donate to the "Communication Studies Fund" as instructed below.

How To Give

  1. Navigate to the "Giving to 菠菜网lol正规平台" page.
  2. Click the "Give Now" button.
  3. Fill out the Gift amount.
  4. Under, I'd like to support, select "Choose a giving opportunity."
    An instructional screenshot of the Donate page.
  5. The "My Selection(s)" box should pop up. Type in "Communication Studies" and select "Communication Studies Fund." Click Continue.
    An instructional screenshot of the Donate page.
  6. Fill out the rest of the required information and follow the steps to complete your donation.

For assistance or questions in donating, please read the "How To Give" page and/or call University Advancement at 408-924-1799.