Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
General 菠菜网lol正规平台 Questions
How do I apply?
An application for admission to San Jose State University is available at the Cal State Apply website.
- How is California residency determined for Military connected students?
San Jose State University determines student residency status according to state laws and regulations that specify the residency standards.
Active-Duty Military, Dependents, and Veterans Potential Non-Resident Tuition Exceptions:
If you are a:
A Veteran Student
Have been stationed in CA on active duty for more than 1 year - immediately prior to being dischargedProvide:
• A copy of my military orders or letter from my commander showing that I was stationed in CA• A copy of my DD-214 showing sections 12a and 12b*
• A statement declaring that I am attempting to establish residency
A Veteran Student Eligible for Ch. 30 or 33 Benefits
Be living in CA**Enroll in college within 3 years of discharge from active duty
Have had a period of active duty service of 90 days or more
• A copy of my DD-214 showing sections 12a and 12b*• A copy of my Certificate of Eligibility (you do not need to be actively using the benefit)
A Veteran Student Using Ch. 31
Be living in CA**Provide:
• A copy of my DD-214 showing sections 12a and 12b*• A copy of my 1905 form, approved by your Case Manager
A Dependent Student of a Veteran Eligible for Ch. 33
Be living in CA**Enroll in college within 3 years of the Veteran’s discharge from active duty
Be receiving the benefit from a Veteran with a period of active duty service of 90 days or more
• A copy of the Veteran’s DD-214 showing sections 12a and 12b*
• A copy of my Certificate of Eligibility for (you do not need to be actively using the benefit)
An Active Duty Student or Student on Active Guard and Reserves Duty
Be stationed in CAProvide:
• A copy of my military orders or letter from my commander showing that I am stationed in CAA Dependent Student of an Active Duty member
Be the dependent of an Active Duty member stationed in CAProvide:
• A copy of the military member’s orders or letter from their commander showing that they are stationed in CA• A statement saying you are a dependent along with a copy of federal taxes to show that you were claimed
*Dishonorably discharged veterans or their dependents are not eligible
**Proof must be provided if all classes are online
- May I complete my first two years of undergraduate study at a community college?
Yes. Many Community Colleges offer courses that meet lower-division (first two years) requirements of a four-year college or university. A college counselor/transfer advisor can help you plan your community college program to make sure that the courses you select are transferable to the CSU system.
You should also refer to the catalog of the college or university to which you plan to transfer and check its requirements, especially in your major subject.
Military Service Credit Questions
- Can I apply for credit for my military service?
Yes. Veterans who have been honorably discharged, and those on active duty, can apply to earn college credit for serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
- What is the process to apply this credit to my transcript?
Students seeking credit for military service must first attend San Jose State University. Student veterans are eligible to apply for military service credit. A student must bring a copy of their DD 214, CCAF, or JST to the Evaluations department in Admissions Office. See form here: [pdf]
- Do I get credit for Military Training in Non-Collegiate Settings?
Six (6) semester units of credit are awarded for being on active duty for at least one year in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard.
Three (3) of these units can be used to complete Area E of the CSU General Education Program, two (2) units will apply to the physical education requirement for 菠菜网lol正规平台 graduation, and one (1) unit is applied toward elective credit as recommended by the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education.
- Can I CLEP a course?
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 awards credit for College Level Education Program (CLEP) subject examinations. The specific credit for the 37 different CLEP exams can be found under Credit by Exam in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Catalog.
Fee Waiver/Cal-Vet Fee Waiver Program
- What is the tuition fee waiver program?
It is a State educational program that is available for dependents and survivors of service-connected, disabled or deceased veterans, it allows them to attend State funded institutions of higher learning tuition free (there are campus fees you are still responsible for).
- My deceased spouse was a disabled veteran. Am I eligible for the tuition fee waiver
Only if your spouse was 100% service-connected disabled, or he/she died of a service-connected disability. You may also qualify if your spouse died on active duty.
I am eligible for educational benefits from the VA. Can I still use the state tuition
fee waiver program?
Yes; however, If you are a spouse or widow who has not remarried, you cannot use the programs concurrently. If you are a dependent/survivor child you may use both programs concurrently if you can meet the annual income limit.
I have been approved to receive a fee waiver. I have a letter from the VA stating
this approval, what do I need to do with this letter in order to get my tuition fees
After your County V.A. issues you a letter - you need to submit it digitally on the appropriate academic year CalVet Google Form found here:
Benefits Questions
- What is a zero percent (0%) service-connected disability rating?
An injury or disease incurred in or aggravated by active military, naval or air service that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has determined to be service-connected, but not severe enough to be compensated. Less than 10 percent is non-compensable.
- Who is Eligible for the Dependents and Survivors Educational Assistance Program-CH35?
This program provides financial aid for the education of a dependent or surviving son, daughter, or spouse of a veteran with a 100% permanent and total service-connected disability who dies from any cause, a service person missing in action, or a veteran who is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability. The disability must arise out of active service in the Armed Forces.
I am a new/transfer student; I have/have not received VA benefits before and would
like to apply for benefits at this school. What should I do?
Apply online through VonApp to obtain your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for benefits. Once you receive your COE, please upload that along with your DD-214 and education plan for your major (campus roadmap[BROKEN LINK]) to your mysjsu -> veterans benefits portal.
I registered for classes, now what?
Once you have registered for classes, it is the responsibility of the student to submit your request for benefits certification via the mysjsu veterans benefits portal in a timely manner to avoid delays in payment.
- I am adding/dropping classes and this will change my enrollment status, what should
I do?
Changing status means to go from full time to half time, half time to full time, or any other combination (full time is 12 or more units, ¾ time is 9-11 units, 1/2 time is 6-8 units). Ex: If you dropped from 16 to 12 units, which is still at full time, you do not need to do anything.
If you added or dropped units that place you in a status other than you reported, you must submit your change in enrollment certification through your mysjsu veterans benefits portal.
I am changing my major or changing schools and have used my benefits before. What
do I need to fill out?
Fill out a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training form on your ebenefits account.
You must notify the VA Certifying Official of your plan change at 菠菜网lol正规平台 and bring a copy of your newly updated Educational Plan, or major "Roadmap."
- How long does it take to get my check after I verify enrollment for Ch. 30/1606/1607?
The quickest way to receive your payment is by using direct deposit. Your benefit can be deposited into your checking or savings account in 3 to 5 days.
If you choose to have a check mailed (not recommended due to delays or losses, which can occur), you can expect payment in 10-14 days.
If you are a Serviceperson, Veteran or a Reservist, your Direct Deposit can be started or updated by using the WAVE system.
- What is the earliest date to verify my attendance in school for Ch.33/30/1606/1607?
The earliest you can verify your enrollment is the last calendar day of each month. Some things you can do to speed up your payments is to verify your enrollment promptly at the end of each month and sign up for direct deposit, if you have not already done so.
FINANCIAL AID QUESTIONS: For any questions related to Financial Aid, applying for Aid, advising around different types of Aid, Aid dispursment, etc., please contact:
Carolyn Guel-Assoc Dir, Fin Aid Counseling
Phone: 408-283-7500