Employee Handbook
Welcome to the Tower Foundation of San José State University (Tower). Tower is the University’s auxiliary organization dedicated to philanthropy. Its primary mission is to build bridges with alumni and friends by improving services, stewardship and donor support. Tower encourages gifts from individuals, corporations and private foundations, trusts, and bequests for the benefit of San José State and prudently manages the University’s endowment to ensure a steady source of support for the endowed purpose.
This handbook has been prepared to acquaint you with Tower and provide you with a general summary of the working conditions and some of the procedures and practices affecting your employment. You should read, understand and comply with all provisions.
This handbook highlights Tower’s procedures and practices and is not intended to create a contract of employment, expressed nor implied nor to modify the rights of Tower and you to terminate employment at-will, at any time, for any reason. To preserve the ability to meet Tower’s needs under changing conditions, Tower reserves the right to modify, rescind, delete or add to any of the provisions of all policies, except for the policy of at-will employment. For more detailed information, contact Tower Human Resources.
The Tower Chief Operating Officer (or designee within Human Resources) is the only person with the legal authority to establish compensation for a Tower employee. Oral or written statements or promises by any other person are not binding upon Tower.
Tower Foundation Human Resources
(408) 924-1127