Updating Name and Pronouns

Name Changing on Campus

Primary (Legal) Name vs Preferred/Chosen/Common Name

A campus "Preferred" name is the name a student wishes to be commonly known as, if different from their legal first name. The "Preferred" name will be used on class rosters.

Your Primary or Legal name will continue to be the your legal name and will be used on official university documentation:

  • Official and Unofficial Transcripts
  • TowerCard (Front: Preferred Name, Back: Legal Name in smaller font)
  • Any documentation involving financial aid or student accounts

For additional information please see the Office of the Registrar's page on Updating Personal Information.

Using a Preferred/Chosen/Common Name at 菠菜网lol正规平台

Please see the following guides to update your name or pronouns on following 菠菜网lol正规平台 systems:

Changing Primary (Legal) Name through 菠菜网lol正规平台

Changing Your Legal Name