Supporting Our Department

Your tax-deductible gift to the department helps ensure that our students receive the highest quality education possible, one that prepares them for challenges of today's world. 

                                     Click here to donate

Click the button above to donate using your credit card. When completing the form online, please designate the scholarship you would like to support by writing its name in the "special instructions" box

1. Alumni Scholarship - Political Science Alumni Excellence Endowment. This is a permanent fund, that includes contributions from alumni to support the annual Political Science Alumni Scholarship. 
 2.Political Science Endowment. This is a permanent fund that brings annual dividends into the department to support many activities, including lectures and events, resources for courses, and faculty and student development. Help us meet our long term goals by contributing to the endowment! 
 3. Burton R. Brazil Scholarship
 4. Constantine Danopoulos Prize
 5. Les Francis Scholarship for Civic Education
 6. John Gilbert Scholarship for International Studies
 7. Steven Glickman Memorial Scholarship
 8. Wesley "Bud" Hubbard Scholarship
 9. Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Education (IPACE). This fund includes scholarships for internships with local government and non-profit organizations. 
 10. Horace Knapp Jr. Memorial Scholarship
 11. Charles Kunsman Scholarship
 12. Douglas McIntyre Scholarship
 13. T.M. Norton Scholarship 
 14. Peter Szego Scholarship
 15. Roy E. Young Scholarship
You can also help support the department by sending a check to one of its funds.

Checks should be made to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Tower Foundation with the fund name written on the notes line of the check.

Mail your support to:

Chair, Political Science Department
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0119.