Business Intelligence and Analytics

Provides an integrated data warehouse, reporting, dashboards and predictive analysis.

What You Need to Know

Business Intelligence and Analysis Service provides a Campus Data Warehouse (CDW) and analytical dashboards with insightful analysis and data visualization capabilities.

The CDW program’s objective is to build and maintain a secure and comprehensive data warehouse capable of handling data across campus to support user-driven and data-focused analytics for decision making. 

Faculty and staff can get reports on student data, courses, admissions, class enrollment, grades, degrees, etc. Supports student success by providing meaningful, actionable data to advisors.

Who Has Access

  • Faculty 
  • Staff

Supported Areas

  • Academic Advising
  • Admissions
  • Class Enrollment
  • Class Performance
  • Degrees
  • Enrollment Planning
  • Enrollment Waitlist
  • EOP
  • Smart Planner
  • Term Enrollment

What You Need to Do

Access to the CDW is provided on an individual request basis.

All requests must be approved by your immediate manager (for users who are non-MPPs) and Data Stewards from respective subject areas.

To request access, open a help ticket

Once approval is granted, you will receive an email with access details. 

Cost & Requirements


No cost for approved faculty and staff


Prior approved access to Student Data Warehouse.

Requesting Service

Access to the CDW is provided on an individual request basis. All requests must be approved by your immediate manager (for users who are non-MPPs) and Data Stewards from respective subject areas.

To request access, open a help ticket. Once approval is granted, you will receive access details once the access is provisioned.

Additional Resources


Support: Need Help or Have Questions

Submit your issue to Support for Campus Data Warehouse at

To request access, open a help ticket.