
Regular membership is open to Emeritus and/or retired tenured faculty, faculty participating in FERP, retired lecturers, and retired academic administrators who are CalPERS annuitants. These individuals become regular members of the Association upon application and payment of annual dues (first year membership is free).  Members are encouraged to add their biography to ScholarWorks.


Dues are $24 annually and are collected in June of each year.

Join/Renew Membership

New Membership

Renew Membership

Emeritus Faculty Status


Listserv (email distribution list)

Our distribution list provides members with important association and retired faculty information. Messages posted to the list are automatically sent to all email addresses of all subscribers. Only members subscribed to the list can post messages.  At the point at which you join, you will be added to the distribution list.  If you have questions, or find you did not get added, please send an email message to Susan McClory at and provide your name and email address. You will receive an email message confirming that you have been added to the listserv.