Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) & Mindful Self-Care
Three (3) sessions led by experienced online faculty and peer mentors provide conceptual and practical strategies to explore Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Self-Care. The sessions are based on the SEL five competencies – self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making (CASEL, 2017) model and mindfulness practice. Whether new to SEL and/or mindfulness, the sessions offer in-depth, hands-on, and practical skill-set and instructions ready to implement in your personal and professional lives. We invite all Counselor Education (EDCO) students to register and join our amazing SEL facilitating team.
- Dates: New dates posted soon!
- Time: TBA
- Faculty Facilitator: Dr. Kyoung Mi Choi
- Peer Facilitators: Elvia Hernandez and Laura Sheldon
- Intention Setting handout [pdf]
- SEL Resources handout [pdf]
- Self-Connection Practice (Practica de Auto Conexion) handout [pdf]
- Gratitude Journal (pdf)
- Bystander training
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 Antiracism and Social Justice Resources
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 Institute for Emancipatory Education
- Organizations
3 Respiraciones Colectivas (3 Collective Breaths)
Ejercicio de Respiración de Cinco Dedos (5 Finger Breathing Exercise)
Guided Meditation for Gratitude (Meditación Guiada de Gratitud)
Guided Meditation for Positivity (Meditación guiada para la positividad)
Mindfulness Exercise - Body Scan (Ejercicio de Atencion Plena)
Thankful Thoughts
Contact us for more Information
- Kyoung Mi Choi:
- Elvia Hernandez:
- Laura Sheldon: