Other Past Events


April 27, 2024, 3:00-10:00 pm: Beethoven Ball, featuring Dance Through Time, The Academy of Danse Libre, and the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Collegium Musicum directed by Gordon Haramaki. Danice lesson (3:00-5:00 p.m. with Joan Walton followed by ball from 7:00-10:00 pm. Tickets $25 in advanced, $30 at the door, and $10 for students. San Jose Woman's Club.

December 17, 2022 1:00 - 5:00 pm: Beethoven Birthday Bash.

April 9, 2022, 3:00-10:00 p.m.: Beethoven Ball, featuring Danse Libre and the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Symphony Orchestra. Dance lesson (3:00-5:00 p.m. with Joan Walton) followed by ball from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Tickets $25 in advanced, $30 at the door, and $10 for students. San Jose Woman's Club.

May 7, 2022, 12:00-3:00 p.m.: Beethoven Nature Hike at Alum Rock Park, featuring performances of Beethoven and nature-themed music by the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Wind Ensemble. Participants will learn about Beethoven’s creativity, and will be given a pocket notebook and pencil to record their own creative thoughts as they explore the beautiful park.


December 15, 2018, 1:00-5:00 p.m.: Beethoven Birthday Bash. Program (2:00-3:00 p.m.): Concert by pianist Tamami Honma, followed by a reception. FREE. King Library, Beethoven Center & Schiro Room 550.

December 16, 2017. Beethoven Birthday Celebration. Program (2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.): Concert by pianist Sandra Wright Shen. King Library, Beethoven Center & Schiro Room 550

April 22, 2017. Celebrating the life of Irma Brilliant (1921-2017). With William Meredith as master of ceremonies and performances by Gwendolyn Mok, Ted Lorraine, Roger McCracken, and Richard Sogg.

December 17, 2016. Beethoven Birthday Party and open house at the Beethoven Center. Concert by Sarah Jones-Hayes, violin, and Frank Levy, piano.

September 24, 2016. Love & Justice: In the Footsteps of Beethoven’s Rebel Opera. Documentary filmmaker Kerry Candaele shows scenes and discusses making of the second film in his Beethoven Hero trilogy. Sponsored by the King Library and the American Beethoven Society


June 14, 2014. "Following the Ninth: In the Footsteps of Beethoven's Final Symphony." Showing of documentary film by Kerry Candaele.

December 14, 2013. Beethoven Birthday Open House. Presentation by William Meredith on "Travels with Ludwig: Seeing Beethoven's Vienna through the Modern City."

October 5, 2013. Musicale featuring cellist Angela Lee and pianist Markus Pawlik. Fund-raising event for the American Beethoven Society.

August 18, 2013. Sparkling Musical featuring winners of the Young Pianist's Beethoven Competition. Fund-raising event for the American Beethoven Society.

December 15, 2012.  Beethoven Birthday Open House. Concert by Ai Goldsmith, flutist.

August 26, 2012. Sparkling Musicale at the home of Ila Loeb, Atherton, California, featuring recent winners of the Young Pianist’s Beethoven Competition, Tyler Hayford and Kai Ono.

December 17, 2011. Beethoven Birthday Open House. Program at 2 p.m.: Beethoven: The Beginning, a German film about Beethoven's youth and childhood.


December 12, 2009, 11:30-6:00 p.m. Beethoven Birthday Open House. Beethoven Center, King Library Room 580. Screening of the film, In Search of Beethoven.

October 25, 2009, 4:00-6:30 p.m. Third Annual Sparkling Musicale featuring winners of the 2009 Young Pianist's Beethoven Competition. Proceeds benefit the Beethoven Center's acquisitions funds.

July 11, 2009. Beethoven Summer Bash.

December 13, 2008, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Beethoven Birthday Open House. Beethoven Center, King Library Room 580.

July 26, 2008. Annual Summer Bash for members of the American Beethoven Society. Concert by Dr. Richard Sogg and Dr. Alan Sklar.

December 15, 2007, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Beethoven Birthday Celebration and Open House. Beethoven Center, Room 580, King Library. Program beginning at 3:00 p.m.: "Poets on Music, and Not Forgetting the Music," featuring readings by Nils Peterson selected from the recently published book, The Music Lover's Poetry Anthology, edited by Maureen McCarthy Draper, who will accompany the readings at the piano.

December 16, 2006, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Beethoven Birthday Annual Open House, with piano four hand performances by Dr. Richard Sogg and Patricia Stroh. Program begins at 2:00 p.m. Beethoven Center, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, Room 580. Free.

October 14, 2006, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Celebration of the life of Ira F. Brilliant (1922-2006). Concert Hall.

December 17, 2005, 1:00-4:00 p.m., Beethoven Center. Beethoven Birthday Celebration and Open House. Talk by Dan Leeson from 2-3:30 p.m.

July 9, 2005. Annual Summer Bash.


December 18, 2004, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Beethoven Birthday Bash Open House. Talk by author Dan Leeson on his recent book, The Mozart Forgeries.

December 14, 2003. Beethoven Birthday Open House. Program: "Sharp as a Tack: Music Engraving as Art and Craft." Short video by the G. Henle Verlag in English at 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. followed by a brief talk by Patricia Stroh.

December 15, 2002. Annual Open House and Celebration of Beethoven's Birthday. Lecture-demonstration by Dr. William Kinderman on Beethoven's Bagatelles for piano.

July 27, 2002. Annual Summer Bash.

December 16, 2001. Annual Open House and Celebration of Beethoven's Birthday.

July 21, 2001. Annual Summer Bash

Sunday, December 17, 2000. Annual Open House and Celebration of Beethoven's Birthday.

July 8, 2000. Annual Summer Bash


December 12, 1999. Beethoven Birthday Celebration and Open House.

July 31, 1999. Annual Summer Bash.

December 13, 1998. Open House and Beethoven Birthday Celebration.

July 1998. Annual Summer Bash.

December 14, 1997. Beethoven Birthday Celebration and Open House.

October 25, 1997. Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary celebration for Ira and Irma Brilliant. Alumni Room, San Jose State University (fund-raiser for the Beethoven Bibliography Database project).

July 19, 1997. Annual Summer Bash. Concert by Linda Laderach, violin, and Larry Schipull, fortepiano.

December 15, 1996. Beethoven's 226th Birthday Celebration. Lecture by Dr. Charles Barber, "Conductors on Film: Rare Footage of Performances of Beethoven's Symphonies and Concerto." Beethoven Center.

July 20, 1996. Annual Summer Bash. Lecture by Dr. Alfredo Guevara.

December 17, 1995. Beethoven's 225th Birthday Celebration. Lecture by Ira Brilliant and Dr. Alfredo Guevara on "Herr Beethoven's Hair is Here: The Story of Beethoven's Lock," and open house in the Beethoven Center's new location.

July 15, 1995. Seventh Annual Beethoven Summer Bash. Lecture by Dr. Alfred Kanwischer.


December 11, 1994. Beethoven's 224th Birthday Celebration. Tasting of wines from the Rhine Valley.

July 23, 1994. Sixth Annual Beethoven Summer Bash. Lecture by Ira Brilliant on "Tales of a Collector"

January 16, 1994. Fund-raising dinner with William F. Buckley, guest speaker, in honor of Thomas Wendel.

July 24, 1993. Fifth Annual Beethoven Summer Bash. Slide presentation on tour of Beethoven's Bonn and Vienna by Dr. William Meredith

June 1-12, 1993. Tour of Beethoven's Bonn and Vienna, for members of the American Beethoven Society. See photos and itinerary.

December 13, 1992. Beethoven's 222nd birthday celebration. Showing of video, "Beethoven Lives Upstairs."

July 18, 1992. Fourth annual Beethoven Summer Bash. Lecture by Dr. Alfred Kanwischer on "Poetry and Beethoven."

December 15, 1991. Beethoven's 221st Birthday Celebration. Mini lecture-recital with Miriam Ambramowitsch, mezzo soprano and George Barth, fortepiano, performing "An die ferne Geliebte."

July 20, 1991. Third annual Beethoven Summer Bash. Showing of the video, "Beethoven: Triumph Over Silence."

December 16, 1990. Beethoven's 220th Birthday Celebration. Mini-concert of Beethoven's Scottish folk songs, with Karen Gruber, mezzo-soprano.

July 21, 1990. Second Annual Beethoven Summer Bash. Premiere of the video on the Beethoven Center.


December 17, 1989. Beethoven's 219th birthday celebration. Fortepiano recital by Charlene Brendler.

July 15, 1989. Beethoven Summer Bash. Special showing of rare film by Dame Myra Hess performing first movement of the Appassionata.

December 11, 1988. Beethoven's 218th Birthday Celebration. Slide presentation on "Where Genius Dwelt" by Irma Brilliant.

December 14, 1986. Beethoven's 216th Birthday Celebration. Open house.