Undergraduate Degrees
There are two degree programs for students to choose from at the undergraduate level.
A baccalaureate degree in Kinesiology and a baccalaureate degree in Kinesiology, preparation
for Teacher Education.
- Kinesiology B.S. Degree - Specializations
- Exercise & Fitness Specialist
- Inclusive Physical Activity in Communities (IPAC) (PreOT)
- Individualized Studies
- Rehabilitation Sciences (PrePT)
- Sport Management & Culture
- Transfer Curriculum Studies
- Kinesiology B.S. Degree - Preparation for Teaching
- Single Subject Teaching
- Adapted Physical Education
Current Students
Find information here regarding:
- Advising
- Undergraduate Handbook
- Specialization Road Map and Major Forms
- KIN Course Substitution Forms
- Independent Study Forms
- Course Articulation Forms
- Internship Requirement
- Career Opportunities
- Graduation Information
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 Resources
The Department of Kinesiology Scholarships
We offer an M.A. degree which consists of approximately 30-39 units, depending on
the specific concentration.
Graduate Concentrations:
- Exercise Physiology
- Sport Management
- Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Physical Activity
- Movement Sciene
- General MA in Kinesiology
Activity and General Education Classes
The Kinesiology department provides a dynamic activity program with a wide variety of courses for students to select from to meet the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Physical
Education graduation requirement and offers numerous general education courses and sections in the lower division and upper division general education programs
for all students at 菠菜网lol正规平台.
The department's General Education classes meet university requirements in these areas:
C: Arts & Letters
E: Human understanding & Development
R: Earth & Environment
S: Self, Society & Equality in the U.S.
V: Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding
E: Human understanding & Development
R: Earth & Environment
S: Self, Society & Equality in the U.S.
V: Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding
Current and previous semesters course syllabi.